Robert Low 's Books
A very well recieved series by Robert Low are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are The Red Serpent, Burning the Water, A Dish of Spurs, Shake Loose the Border, The White Raven o-3, The Kingdom Series – The Lion at Bay, Crowbone, Oathsworn 03 - The Prow Beast, The Complete Kingdom Trilogy, The Wolf Sea o-2, The Lion at bay tk-2, The Oathsworn Series Books 1 to 3, The Whale Road o-1, Kingdom 01 - The Lion Wakes, The Lion Rampant (The Kingdom Series), The Prow Beast o-4, The White Raven, Crowbone o-5, The Lion Wakes k-1, which was published in 2022.
The Red Serpent
Burning the Water
A Dish of Spurs
Shake Loose the Border
The White Raven o-3
The Kingdom Series – The Lion at Bay
Oathsworn 03 - The Prow Beast
The Complete Kingdom Trilogy
The Wolf Sea o-2
The Lion at bay tk-2
The Oathsworn Series Books 1 to 3
The Whale Road o-1
Kingdom 01 - The Lion Wakes
The Lion Rampant (The Kingdom Series)
The Prow Beast o-4
The White Raven
Crowbone o-5
The Lion Wakes k-1